
My research focuses on helping businesses understand the consequences of uncertainty and risk as well as helping predict the efficacy of potential mitigation techniques. To that end, I create both stylized and practical mathematical models and develop novel solution methodologies and analyses. My research uses non-linear programming, linear programming, integer programming (including branch-and-price) and statistical modeling. I create useful models to make both strategic and on-line decisions, as well as behavioral models and experiments to investigate the potential effect of decision makers on the ability of firms to make optimal choices.


[1] Thomas B. Cassidey, Nickolas Freeman, and Sharif Melouk. Leveraging concurrent sourcing for risk mitigation and pricing. Omega, 113:102723, 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We investigate a setting where a firm may choose to make and buy components used to manufacture finished goods and determine the optimal decision strategy under supply and demand risk. We assume supply risk is of an all-or-nothing manner, i.e., either the supply is totally disrupted or not. We show that the optimal strategy follows a complex threshold structure dictated by cost and capacity parameters and the component and finished product inventories. We use our results regarding the manufacturing firm’s optimal strategy to investigate the effects of concurrent sourcing on the supplier’s optimal pricing strategy. In particular, we investigate the manufacturer’s decision to share information regarding their in-house production capabilities. We find that such information sharing can benefit both parties. Specifically, an improved understanding of the manufacturer’s capabilities can result in the supplier offering lower prices to improve competitiveness. Further, we show that increasing capacity at the manufacturer may increase outsourcing in relation to insourcing.
Keywords: Supply chain risk management, Concurrent sourcing, Nonlinear optimization, Information sharing

Ongoing Projects

[3] Thomas B. Cassidey and Iman Dayarian. The k traveling repairman problem with stochastic service request times. To be submitted to Operations Research, Fall 2022.
Develops and solves a novel formulation to incorporate randomly occurring service request times of customers in a multiple service agent routing problem.
[4] Thomas B. Cassidey, Ozgur Satici, Emily Barbee, and Burcu Keskin. The integrated sourcing and virtual node location problem.
Develops and solves the inventory availability and customer expectation problem for a retailer subject to carrier network uncertainty.
[5] Thomas B. Cassidey, Nickolas Freeman, and Sharif Melouk. Concurrent sourcing with random lead times.
Determines the optimal time-to-wait to employ concurrent sourcing or expedited shipping as a supply disruption mitigation strategy.